Would you like to test the waters of photography sessions for children and pets that take place within a shorter time frame? Want to have some fun at the same time?

Watch for the Little Photo Sessions events that are offered a few times through the year near Truro, N. S.!

Fun and fast little sessions for the children and pets in your life.

The Little Sessions take place in my easy to access home studio in Valley, NS, so bad weather isn't an issue. Also known as mini sessions, my Little Events take about 8-15 minutes, with a bit of buffer time allowed to get comfortable and familiar with the environment as needed. Kids and dogs usually have their own schedules, don't they?

A toddler playing with workshop toys during a session.

Here and Gone!

There are four Summer Special planned for 2024 and each last between one and three days with quite a few time options for the busy parent or grandparent.

What's Special about Little Sessions for Summer 2024?

(1) The Session Fee of $20 may be used as a print/file credit if purchases are made within four days of the private online Proof Gallery being sent.

(2)Purchased prints are accompanied by the full-size digital file for Little Events only. (Smaller files accompany prints not made during a Little Session.)

(3) There is digital option to purchase ALL the images for $300 (There are usually at least 8 images in the gallery and often a few more. For comparison: Little Session Digitals on their own are $50 each.)

Three children in separate images showing what the Old Chair sessions look like.

Kids are going to be Kids, and Dogs are going to do their Dog Thing!

Sessions are meant to be fun. Some kids and dogs are often a little "what??" when they first arrive and will either want to hide, cry or both! Let me state for your peace of mind that kid and pet behaviour will NOT phase me in the least so you can relax, too! I work in some buffer time before we actually start taking taking some photos so everyone can settle.

Senior Australian Shepherd on burlap fabric back drop.


If you have a child or pet who needs some accomodations to help with their comfort level (sound levels, natural light instead of flash, etc.) we will discuss and plan for that ahead of time whether we're doing a quick session or a regular one. The studio is accessible to most mobility devices and accommodations for special needs will be made as are possible.

Caveat: If you feel that your child or pet would need more than 5-10 minutes to feel comfortable, a Little Session where another client is coming in soon may not be the best choice. I'd recommend an hour long portrait session so we have all the time needed.


Little girl looking at her tea set.

Does a Little Session look interesting?

You can find the dates, some pricing information and sample photos if you select THESE WORDS RIGHT HERE!

I would love to hear from you

If you have any questions or would just like to chat about a session with your people or pets, just send me a note via the button below.